Thursday, January 7, 2010

Blogging vs. Facebook

I understand the difference between a blog and a social network. Here I can write and write and write, get it all out, make my feelings known. But with Facebook I can post one-liners regularly that keeps everyone abreast of all my news. You all know what I did last weekend, what I got for Christmas, how frustrated I am with Brazilla. I loved blogging and I want to blog more. But with time so short and FB so easy, I just don't do it anymore. To drive my point home, I started writing this entry three days ago! It's been sitting here, open on my desktop, just staring at me, calling me, daring me to finish. Here's what I've decided to do. I'm going to get organized. I am going to schedule time for writing just like I do for schoolwork. There is so much more that I want to write than just the mundane going ons of my life. And I'm going to start right now, with this posting. It's not exciting but I got it done!

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